In the light of the recent events, I’d like to have a say as well.. There are things need to be cleared.. need to be straighten out.. You guys might have heard the “whole” story from one side.. I could have respond to that accusation that day itself.. (Of coz it won’t be nice at all.. who would if such things being said) But I know, it will just get worst.. I keep my silence.. think clearly.. and go swimming.. although I can’t swim.
Things aren’t supposed to be that complicated.. Here goes :
My sister is going for Matrix this month, and she'll be taking MUET. It across my mind that my book is missing. I remember lend it to either Efy or someone, let’s call her SB.
Some might said, “Buat apa la cari balik. Beli saja”. My reply “It costs me almost 50 and only use it once. Of coz I try to find it back”. U all semua byk duit eh.
I figure, things are really simple. No need to have a direct contact with SB. So i'll get someone, let’s call him RZ to ask for me. Since RZ are frens with us both. My only intention was just to know whether SB still had the book or not. That is all.
RZ said SB want to talk so he gave my number. RZ didn’t know I no longer use my old number. So no called or message received.
As for the online/offline part. I could be online half day, offline half day. I guess when SB asked RZ,or when SB asked someone else, i probably just start or off my shift, meaning that i just offline or online.
RZ also didn’t expect things to turn out this way. Neither do I. Don't blame him like that. It wasn’t his fault, wasn’t mine, it's all just a misunderstanding.
SB called me earlier today, discussing this. I understand her situation (although not fully, though I don’t see the need to let everyone knows), and I hope she understand the position she put on both me and RZ.
RZ update me that the blog entry has been deleted. Thank you. But one might said “Terlajak perahu boleh diundur, terlajak kata…” Well, u can’t undo what u said. U made a wild accusation and cursing us and eventually everyone knows it is us (Thanks to that cute picture). Anyway, the damaged is done.
I don't think the juice is worth the squeeze.
All who directly or indirectly involved, drop this. I don’t want to hear anymore, understand that? It is settled. We all have had our share of words. Let it go.
P/s : Picture? I can only think of one picture related to the Hitler. Jews. Too far? Ok, no picture.